Solutions Listing

BBP Logo

BBP is an award-winning energy efficiency company that enables businesses to achieve their carbon neutrality and sustainability goals.


Overview of Solution
BBP utilizes patented Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning (HVAC) optimization technologies, Internet of Thing (IoT), proprietary software algorithms and machine learning to help multiple companies achieve energy and cost savings.


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Blue Plant Company Logo2

Blue Planet is one of Asia's fastest-growing waste management companies, deploying technologies spanning the entire waste management value chain.

Overview of Solution
Blue Planet develops innovative solutions focusing on landfill methane capture and biogas reduction.




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Aprisium’s mission is to save lives and envision achieving this goal by becoming the world’s foremost provider of contaminant management solutions

Overview of Solution
Aprisium’s patented contaminant technology gives high precision measurements with detection limit down to the parts per billion (ppb) level, ensuring the ability to meet all locally regulated as well as WHO (World Health Organization) stipulated detection parameters


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Ishigaki Company Logo 2


Ishigaki is an engineering manufacturer that supports water infrastructure and industrials. The company focuses on developing trusted commercial water technological solutions.


Overview of Solution
Ishigaki provides various technologies, involving water from three business segments, as solutions for all aquatic environmental and industrial fields.

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Chukyo Logo Updated

Chukyo Electric Co., Ltd. provides total services from electrical design to construction management and subsequent maintenance. 


Overview of Solution
Chukyo Electric provides safe, secure, and high-quality construction work to meet the needs of owners and end users.


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